A Personal Update and More
It has been a while since I’ve posted a blog on this Substack site. A lot has been happening over the past several months though much of it has been of a personal nature. It's time to explain.
A Personal Update and More
I’ve not been sure how to write about it. At first it was because I didn’t quite understand what was going on. Now that I know more it is time I tried
Frankly, I’ve been dealing with some significant health issues over the past year or so. In fact, I had surgery on January 30th but it had to be aborted due to complications I experienced on the operating table. I’ve been recovering from that experience for the past month and now I’m preparing to go back into the hospital for a second attempt.
That’s all I’m going to say here but if you are interested in learning more, please visit my CaringBridge site. The first three posts there tell the more complete story of where I’ve been and why. The most recent post describes what we learned was the possible cause of the complications during the January 30th surgery. My spouse Clemencia and I are now using the site to post updates to keep folks in our personal and professional networks informed. It became too much to try to keep up with the numerous calls, texts, and personal emails we were getting.
The second surgery is going to require an even longer recovery period so it may be a while before I post again. I am trying to keep up doing the Getting to 3rd Space podcast with Lamar Roth, especially when we can tape them in advance.
If you have a need to be in touch, email is best. However, please know it may take me a little extra time to respond.
Thanks for your understanding!
The Tenacious Change YouTube Channel is now the Klaus Haus Productions Channel
The Changemaker videos and Getting to 3rd Space with Lamar and Tom videos can now all be found on the Klaus Haus Productions YouTube Channel. The Changemaker series was started in 2020 and continues today as time and opportunity allow. Getting to 3rd Space with Lamar and Tom is a twice-monthly podcast featuring Lamar Roth and Tom Klaus who have been friends since high school. We had a decent, and growing, number of viewers on the old Tenacious Change channel but, when we moved to the new channel, we lost those counts. So, we hope you’ll help us rebuild by watching them again or for the first time. Please, be sure to subscribe to be informed of the latest videos. Also, share the videos you think your friends and colleagues would enjoy or benefit from as well.
We will continue to add Getting to 3rd Space podcast videos on a regular basis. The podcast focuses on the topic of civil dialogue. It features guests, interviews, and “table talks” between Tom and Lamar that attempt to illustrate the facets of civil dialogue on a wide range of topics.
Why Am I Receiving this Post
You are receiving this Substack post because you have been on the mailing list of Tenacious Change. Tenacious Change has been closed and I have started a boutique business called Klaus Haus Productions.
This posting is to let you know what has happened with the change and invite you to remain as a subscriber to these postings on Substack.
Thanks for reading or listening. Let’s stay in touch!
Tom, thanks for your update. I send my very best wishes that you will have good outcomes from your treatment.